Comments on: Why do couples lose interest in each other? Interesting facts Love forever until death do us part Tue, 20 Apr 2021 10:38:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mathi Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:27:36 +0000 In reply to Omotola.

Hi Omotola,
You are absolutely right in feeling angered by the cheating of your husband. But if you want your marriage to work, you must forgive your husband. If you keep remembering his cheating you will hate the sight of him. This could destroy your happiness and finally your marriage. You have your children to think of. It is so easy to throw away your marriage. But it takes a great forgiving nature to save your marriage.
That your husband has cheated you persistently is not a good thing. But that he has asked forgiveness is a good sign.
Make your husband realize that you will not be forever forgiving him. Tell him bluntly that you would not hestiate to leave him if he consistently crosses his border. If you want to save your marriage, you should forget what has happened. Renew your married life by showing your love for your husband. At the same time your should show him that there will be no forgiving hereafterwards.
Do not ruin your happiness by being hostile with your husband. You will not have an iota of happiness in your life. Your children also will be unhappy. Time is a great healer. If your husband is really apologetic he will not cheat you again. Give your husband a chance to change. It could be the best decision you had made.

By: Omotola Wed, 29 Jul 2020 23:41:10 +0000 My husband and I have been married for 5years now. We have 2 boys. 5 and 3. I was so much in love with him till I found out he was cheating. It broke me way too hard. As I struggled to forgive him. It’s been months now since I found out, I think I have forgiven him but I no longer find the marriage interesting. I no longer enjoy our sex life, I don’t trust him, his sight at times annoys me. I always keep to myself at home. Even when he tried to start a conversation, I snub him.
I don’t know how to handle this situation. Like I am tired. Like I am confused.
He had apologized over and over again but I find it hard loving and trusting him again.
My marriage is now so dull and boring. We live like housemates. I am completely uninterested in this marriage. This isn’t the first time I will catch him cheating. It’s like the 3rd time.

By: Mathi Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:01:10 +0000 In reply to Mark P.

Hi Mark,
You must understand that your wife is from a different family background and so bound to think differently and do things differently. Only couples who have understood this simple trick can enjoy their married life. When both take the differences between you too much to heart, you will drift away from each other.
If you really want your marriage to work, you should stop thinking that your marriage is over. Keep communicating with your wife. Understand her from her point of view. Have a frank talk with your wife. Your wife as a woman would want emotional connectivity with you to become attached to you. Are you starving your wife emotionally? Do a ruthless self analysis about your attitude towards your wife It might help you in many ways.

By: Mark P Sun, 24 May 2020 21:01:45 +0000 My wife and I have been together for almost 5 years now, Married for 3. I feel as if we always doing more things apart than together. I ask her often to go do things with me, and she would much rather do something else. She says she doesn’t want a divorce, but I am growing more unhappy. I have tried everything I feel I can do…and still feel as if my marriage is over. What can I do? She seems completely uninterested.

By: Mathi Sun, 24 Jul 2016 13:27:13 +0000 In reply to Lajonte.

Most couples are bored with their married life because they find everything about their relationship stale and and dull. Yours is a very common problem. It is you and your husband who have to work towards making your married life exciting. Do you nag your husband? If so your husband would never like to spend time with you. Do not talk about family problems alone with your husband. Appreciate his good points. Spend some quality time with him. But you alone cannot make your marriage work. Your husband also should change. He should be caring and loving towards you. Plan an outing with your husband minus your children. Your parents can look after your children. This helps to bring in intimacy between you. Try it. GOOD LUCK.

By: Lajonte Sat, 23 Jul 2016 03:08:28 +0000 Me and my husband had been together for 4 years now. We have two younger daughter. In the beginning of our relationship everything was okay. But two years in the marriage everything is boring. He works alot im at home with the kids most of the time and my life has turn into a daily routine. On my husband of day we do not do anything at all we havent been put in two years together. The last time we went out it like he didnt like it,but he is quick to go out by himself or his friends when im right there. The lack of excitement in intimacy is there so everything is just boring and i dont know what to do.

By: Mathi Tue, 14 Jun 2016 19:55:47 +0000 In reply to Mary.

You are not alone in facing such a problems. Man is rather selfish in sexually satisfying himself the way he likes. He never thinks about the needs of his wife. This is the reason why most wives feel sexually unsatisfied. For your husband sex is an animal instinct. He must have it when he is in the mood. But for you it is an emotional need.
But do not make sex a war zone. Soon your husband will lose interest in it. Talk to him about your needs in a loving way. Make him understand that you too have your own wishes. Be very presentable when you are with him. He will expect it from you. He should be attracted to you. Your husband does love you but as a man he wants you to understand it without him saying it.
